Wordless Wednesday: Hazeline’s Not-So-Terrible Twos

Last week I posted about how the terrible twos have hit our house pretty hard.  Contained in that post were some, um, not so flattering, tantrum-riffic pictures of Hazeline, which I really do have every intention of saving for her first date, high school yearbook, or wedding rehearsal video montage (or perhaps all three?).   So I thought that it was only fair to post a few pictures this week of the cuteness that makes it all worth it.    Besides, how often does Hazeline get a post all to herself?  Pretty much never.

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7 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Hazeline’s Not-So-Terrible Twos

  1. Regan says:

    We’re in the throws of the Terrible Twos here but you would never know you were going through it by this pictures. Too cute

  2. Very sweet. I always joked that it was a good thing God made my kids so cute, so I didn’t kill them.

  3. Danialle B. says:

    Her curly hair kills me! So cute. I hope her terrible twos stage is short lived. Hang in there!

  4. For us, two was a piece of cake. It’s the terrible threes that are turning me grey! And yes, good thing they’re cute too or we might drop them off at the pound! 😛

  5. So sweet and precious!!

  6. Lexie Lane says:

    She’s got those cheeks you just wanna kiss and pinch at the same time! She’s a cutie! We’re going through this phase and it’s not nice!

  7. Maria Bravo says:

    She is adorable. All kids have their moments. My grandson is two and he cries and cries, sometimes for ever. Then suddenly he is being a good boy. I almost forget he can be so bad at times. But those are the wonderful two’s. 🙂

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