Hi. My name is Jen and I have a blog now.

While I want this to be a blog that my friends and family can follow, I know from my own personal experience, I often follow blogs of people that I don’t know “in real life”.  I also follow blogs of people I haven’t spoken to in a while.  So let me take a minute and catch everyone up –

I’m originally from California.  I spent a little time in South Carolina before moving to Central Florida for college.  Had the time of my life in college and met some pretty incredible people.  I ended up in South Florida for law school and have been here ever since.

I married a great guy in 2006:

Had an amazing little girl named Greenleigh in 2009:

Who now looks a little more like this:

And an another awesome little girl named Hazeline in 2011:

She now looks a little more like this:

But changes more and more everyday.

Then of course, there is Sonoma, our cat:

She pretty much runs the place.  Or at least she thinks she does and there really isn’t any convincing her otherwise.  She also bosses around/terrorizes our dog, Madison, who we adopted in 2007:

It really is a love/hate relationship between the two.

I’m overly wordy at times (my husband just loves that most about me…okay, maybe not).  I love cupcakes, family time, and trashy tv.  Not necessarily in that order.  I am always planning my next vacation.  Sleep is my long-lost BFF.

So that is me in a nutshell.  Nice to meet you.

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4 Responses to Hi. My name is Jen and I have a blog now.

  1. grettel says:

    So glad you got a blog! Having a good time reading your experiences that I can relate so much with =) Can’t wait for baby #2, whooo hoooo!

  2. Pingback: Family Naptime – Diary of a Working Mom

  3. Pingback: It's Almost My Blogiversary! - Diary of a Working Mom

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