Easy Ways to Exercise at Work with a Little Help from Poise Impressa

This post brought to you by Poise. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Diary of a Working Mom.

I’ll be honest, gyms aren’t my thing.  I mean, I want to be a gym person, I’m just…not.  Because at the end of a long day, I want nothing more than to go home and relax with my family.  Finding a sitter, driving to a gym, and working out for an hour or two just isn’t appealing.  At all.  And waking up early so I can hit the gym at o-dark-thirty doesn’t sound any more appealing.  All of which is unfortunate because I’m definitely still carrying around some baby weight.  Please don’t count the number of years that it’s been since I’ve been pregnant, I beg of you.

While many of my friends have been lucky enough to find work places that encourage fitness by providing onsite gyms and extra breaks for exercise, my situation is a bit different.  I work in a very small office with only a handful of coworkers.  No room for a gym, no extra break time for workouts.  So instead of going without, I’ve built fitness into my work day.  And it’s actually been a little easier than I thought, thanks to Poise Impressa Bladder Supports.

What you may not know is that thirty-five million women experience stress urinary incontinence, a common type of bladder leakage, which can be triggered by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or even exercise.  And after kids, I can attest, you’re much more likely to experience bladder leakage, which can make exercise even harder to work into your day.  Luckily, Poise Impressa Bladder Supports, are the first and only over-the-counter internal product designed to help stop leaks before they happen so women can feel free to cough, laugh, or exercise without fear of leaks.

Inserted like a tampon, Poise Impressa doesn’t absorb anything, but, instead, strengthens and supports the bladder, giving you a new found confidence.  Safe, comfortable and effective, Poise Impressa Bladder Supports come in 3 sizes to fit your shape and last up to 8 hours.  Simply use the sizing kit – starting with size 1 and then working your way up – to find your perfect fit.

Keep in mind that you should NOT use Impressa Bladder Supports if you’re under the age of 21, are pregnant, may become pregnant or have given birth within the last 3 months, have experienced unusual or unexpected vaginal bleeding within the last 6 months, have pain or a burning sensation when you urinate (this could be a urinary tract infection), are experiencing vaginal discharge that smells bad, irritation, soreness or itching (this could be a vaginal infection), had vaginal surgery within the last three months, or have already been diagnosed by your doctor with a severely dry (atrophic) vagina.

So now that you know that bladder leakage shouldn’t be a barrier to exercise, here’s how to sneak in a workout at work:

Take the stairs – Sure, there’s an elevator, but my building is only 3 floors and it’s much healthier to take the stairs.  Two or three times up and down the stairs can definitely get you up and moving…sometimes I throw in an extra set or two for good measure (or to work off that extra brownie that was calling my name).

Use your break to it’s fullest – So many people say they don’t have time, but how about 10 or 20 minutes of your lunch break?  Or maybe 20 minutes before you go home for the day?  Believe it or not, that’s plenty of time to get your heart rate up and make a difference.

Pack your tennis shoes – Heels might be the correct office attire, but there’s no reason why you can’t pack your tennis shoes for your break.  They come in handy when you want to take a quick walk at lunch time (when it’s nice outside) or a set of stairs.

Park in the worst spot possible – You know that awesome parking space that everyone fights for because it’s right next to the door or stairs?  Yeah, pick the one furthest from that.  Maybe even the next office building over.  That terrible spot will be great for your work out!

Use what you have – Okay, so you don’t have gym equipment, but what about your desk and chair?  Use your desk to assist in lunges and consider adding in some squats as you go to get up from your chair.  Arm, leg, and foot raises can easily be done while you are seated.

Have you tried Poise Impressa yet?  Be sure to grab your Poise Impressa coupon here so you can work out worry-free!

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