Back to School Traditions You Should Start this Year

Back to school supplies over green  school blackboardBased on the sheer volume of pictures I’ve seen on Facebook lately with cute kids donning clean backpacks and bright white shoes, I think it’s safe to say that back to school is officially upon us.  My kids don’t head back for 2 weeks, but many of my friends’ kids have already gone back to school, a few head back later this week, and my luckiest friends don’t return until September.  As I started filling my kids’ backpacks with the school supplies I purchased, I started thinking about back to school traditions I celebrated as a kid and the ones I wanted to start with my own kids.  Here are a few of my very favorite back to school traditions!


Celebrate Back to School Eve: So kids are usually aren’t that excited about going back to school, but if you celebrate “Back to School’s Eve” then it may make them just a bit happier to head back into the classroom.  Have a party with pizza and their favorite snacks, visit a place they’ve been wanting to go all summer, or make it a “yes” day where they get to decide the itinerary.  If you give them one last hoorah, they may be a little bit more okay with going back to school.


First Day of School Picture:  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that is definitely the case when it comes to school pictures (these printables make great props).  Although you may not notice the growth and change day to day, comparing a first day of school picture to an end of the year photo will show you just how much your kids have grown and changed throughout the year.  Plus, the photos from each year will make a cute display at their graduation!


First Day of School Breakfast: To get them energized and ready for their first big morning of school, fix them a nice big breakfast!  Think waffle bar, pancakes in the shape of their grade, build your own parfait bar, or a back to school decorated table.  I’ll admit, I don’t make a hot breakfast on school days during the year, but the first day of school is definitely worthy of celebration.  This is also a good way to be able to spend the morning together as a family, while filling them up before lunch time so they can better focus in school and keep them energized and awake throughout the day.


Back to School Time Capsule: Get a shoe box or some other simple container and put special things in it – summer memories, a list of goals for the school year, photos of best friends – and bury it or put it in a safe place where it won’t be touched for an entire school year (for me, this is at the top of my closet).  Take it out at the end of the year and see how your child has changed and what they’ve accomplished!


Special Back to School Lunch: If your child’s school allows it, bring them something from their favorite restaurant at lunch time! If their school doesn’t allow it, just pack them something special!  A favorite dessert, creative school lunch, or even a special note can make the first day just a bit more special than every other day!


Spend Time as a Family that Night:  The first day of school is a whirlwind, regardless of what grade you’re starting…and it’s tough/stressful on parents too!  Relax and unwind as a family by going out to dinner, heading out for ice cream, or having a game night.  Just make sure to get to bed early because school starts early again the next morning!


These are just some really simple things to do each year as your kids go off to school and can make great family traditions!  How do you celebrate back to school?
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