A Hazel Musing: How to Argue With a Limited Vocabulary {Guest Post}

Today I’m turning my blog over to a somewhat unexpected blogger…a toddler.  Well, not actually a toddler, but a mom who blogs through the eyes of her 2 year old daughter, Hazel Nutt.  Her posts are both funny and oh so relatable, but of course, I’m experiencing it from the other side.  For today’s post, Hazel Nutt is here to tell us how she (successfully!) argues with a limited vocabulary.  Whatever you do, don’t read this post aloud while your toddler is in the room – it will give them ideas!

Up until you get a grasp of a few words, crying was the most effective way of arguing with your parents!  When those words start clicking in your head, life becomes just that little bit more exciting, as you interact (annoy) your parents more.  I say annoy, but I think my parents find it quite endearing at the moment, as they laugh at me.  When I pick up a few more words, there’s gonna be trouble ahead!

I think that one of the first sounds I picked up was “woof, woof” (or “oof oof” as I say).   So, for a while, I pointed at everything and said “oof, oof” and my parents would patiently tell me the correct noises where they could – apparently there isn’t a noise for grass!  That was my first attempt at arguing (apart from protesting with tears).

The next word I mastered is “car”.  Now, this is the basis of an ongoing argument with Daddy!  Everything that goes on a road is a car, right?  Well Daddy insists that some are called vans, buses, trucks and lorries and we can spend a very long time him saying “van” and me arguing “car”!  I say “car” fast, I say it slow, I say it loud, I elongate the word “caaaAAAaaaR”, but sometimes I say it so quiet that Dad almost doesn’t hear me and I almost win the argument. We go on like this until I get bored or distracted, which sometimes takes quite a long time, or until he gives up, which happens quite a lot.

Of course, there is the traditional “yes” and “no” argument.  When Mom or Dad say “yes”, you say “no” and vice versa.  This is a very common argument in our household, which can be used in all sorts of situations, like when you don’t want to do something (use the potty) or when you want to do something (go for a walk outside in the pouring rain to jump in the puddles).  Sometimes your parents might try to trick you and say the word you are saying  – if you are saying “no”, they will say “no” as well – in the hope that they will trick you into saying “yes”.  This tactic has yet to work on me, don’t let your parents fool you either!

My other favorite argument at the moment is telling my parents that everything is blue!  I point at the things that I know are blue and say “blue”, then smile then point at other colors  that I know aren’t blue, but say “blue” anyway.  I know I’m wrong on this one, but it gives me a chance to listen to what the other colors are and get them right in my head, before I speak them out loud.  I do know them, I just can’t pronounce them yet.

Arguing definitely makes life more interesting, as it adds an extra string to your bow to interact with your parents.  You don’t have to argue with a bad temper either, its fun to do with a smile!  In this stage of our lives, we are developing our personalities and really our parents should enjoy this stage to.  After all, its not going to be too long before we learn the word “why” and that’s when the poop really hits the proverbial potty!

Hazel Nutt is a baby blogger who loves to share her take on the world through words and art.  She writes funny posts that should tickle the humor buds of most parents.  She particularly likes blogging her toddler opinions and advice on how to train parents, to ensure that other toddlers can also wrap their parents around their little fingers!  

Hazel Nutt also writes and reviews picture books and devours (sometimes quite literally) picture books on a daily basis, as she enjoys them so much.  Find Hazel and her opinions here and please enjoy: http://www.HazelNutt.com

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4 Responses to A Hazel Musing: How to Argue With a Limited Vocabulary {Guest Post}

  1. kids nowadays, really smart, brainy!
    Bloghopping from :
    http://crazylittlethingcalledblog.com – Mommy by Day Fashionista By Night
    http://prewchatterly.com – Everything Mommy and Girly
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  2. Hazel Nutt says:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to guest post on your site. I hope your readers like it 🙂

  3. Pingback: What Squirrels Do Trilogy Virtual Book Tour Success | Hazel Nutt

  4. Pingback: Toddler Talk: How to Argue with a Limited Vocabulary | Hazel Nutt

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