What does this sign mean to you?

The mall during the holiday season – it’s exactly where I don’t want to be, and yet I find myself there a lot lately.  A few months ago they put “family parking” signs in at select spaces close to the mall entrance.  I was thrilled, but apparently some people don’t exactly understand what they mean.

Here’s what they mean to me:

  • I have kids, and therefore, a ton of crap with me.  It’s going to take me a long time to get the aforementioned “ton of crap” in the car.  I’ll try to hurry, but I have to get all the crap in the car, my kids in their car seats, and then get the car started and backed out of the parking spot.  I see you with your blinker flashing and that annoyed look on your face, and I will hurry, but please be patient.  As patient as you can be during the holiday season, that is.
  • My child might need a last-minute diaper change.  Of course, I would have done the diaper change in the mall if I had noticed, but I didn’t notice until I lifted my baby out of the stroller.  No, I don’t want her driving the 20 minutes home in a dirty diaper (which we all know can lead to dirty clothes, hair, carseat…you see where I’m going with this, right?).  And no, I’m not going to pack all of the aforementioned crap back in my car, god forbid I leave valuables in my car and go in without them, so the trunk is going to have to do.  I don’t need your side-eye while I do the diaper change.
  • Neither of my kids are particularly fond of their carseats, so I may need to physically restrain them to get them buckled in.  No need to call child protective services.  Not putting them in their carseats is not an option and illegal, though I realize it would make it much easier for you to get my highly coveted parking space.
  • It may take me a time or two to get the stroller properly collapsed and into the trunk.  While we have a smaller, light-weight stroller, like I said, I have a ton of crap with me.  It may take a second to get all of the crap in the car in such a way that my stroller still fits.  I can do it, but you staring holes into my head isn’t helping.  And in the off-chance that I need to actually take the stroller out of the trunk to re-situate, throwing your hands in the air is not doing anyone any good.
  • If I don’t back out of the space immediately, it’s because I’m looking for my daughter’s snack.  Relax, it might take me a minute.  Needless to say, her snack is under all the other crap in my purse.  I’ll find it, but your honking isn’t helping.
  • Finally, as I do actually exit my parking space, there is no need to almost hit my vehicle as you accelerate forward while I’m still in reverse.  I get it, you want the space.  I get it, I took too long.  Have I mentioned that I have a ton of crap with me?

Perhaps I should stick to online shopping.

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9 Responses to What does this sign mean to you?

  1. Beth says:

    Totally with you on physically restraining child when attempting to put in car seat. I sometimes feel like my baby transforms into superman every time I need to buckle him in. Where do they get the strength?

  2. I agree with you. I hate it when my hands are full and a car pulls up to get the space I’m about to leave. It seems like when this happens, everything and anything that could go wrong does. Like my daughter starts crying. My bag rips on the buggy because I’m rushing to get the bags in the trunk. All the while the other driver sits and gives dirty looks. In all honesty, if the wanna go shopping that bad…. find another parking spot.

  3. Sarah says:

    I am so in agreement with you. I had a similar experience on Black Friday. It brought road rage to a whole new definition. I always give mamas a break because with three in tow I know how it feels.

  4. Lisha says:

    I totally “feel” ya. Although I’m not a mom, I do understand this situation because my husband and I fostered my little niece and nephew for 6 months, and so I know all about the “ton of crap” you have to lug everywhere, and how you can never do anything quickly when you have children with you. It’s just going to take longer. And you’re going to be late to everything… lol!

    And why does everyone have to have a stick up their butt during the holidays? Why is everyone so pushy and impatient during the season that is supposed to be filled with love, peace, joy, and giving? The mall shows us that this is a season of materialism and selfishness, everyone thinking that their time is more important than everyone else’s.

    This is exactly why I avoid stores like the plague during this time of year. Black Friday to January 15th or so, stores are completely off limits for me (unless I absolutely HAVE to)

    Good luck with your future shopping!


  5. cyn says:

    i soooooo agree — the whole mentality of “my life & time are more important than yours* that has seemed to permeate our society making people less tolerant of others (especially those of us with strong-willed toddlers) amazes me!

    thanks for linking up with my *no more muffin top* hop!

  6. Dree Getz says:

    I understand what you mean. It means if you see me, my crap, car seat in hand, baby in the other arm, stroller sitting there … then get comfy in your car or find another spot.

    I’m visiting from the Friday Blog Hop and followed you. Do you have a facebook link?

    Please visit my blog at http://dreesthings.blogspot.com/ when you have time.

  7. Agreed on all of these. I hope Miami adds this sometime soon!

  8. Susan F says:

    Ok, as a mom and (used to be) nanny, these parking spots piss me off. I chose to have a kid and be a nanny. I chose to have a stroller, a diaper bag, a purse, 6 very full shopping bags, screaming children, and goddess knows what else going on. I shouldn’t get to park closer just because I made that choice. I’m one of the assholes who happily parks in those spaces when I am by myself just because they irritate the living crap out of me.

    With that said, you don’t deserve people to act like that behind you whether you park in Siberia or in the annoying “family” parking spots. You are a much nicer person than I am. Personally, I’d be taking my time, adjusting everything just so, occasionally looking over while I smile and wave, and eventually leaving at the speed of slug. They are the people with the problem, not you. Nobody should be in such a hurry that they make others feel bad. I guarantee there is nothing in the mall important enough to make a mom with aforementioned gear feel any more stressed than she already does. You are also pretty brave doing the mall thing with kiddos this close to xmas. Phew. I vote for the online shopping everytime! LOL

    Good luck if you have to go back out there!

  9. MiaB says:

    This is sounds like my life when I go shopping. and yes perhaps online shopping would be best 🙂 thanks for posting.


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