It’s Wa-ver Day!

Starting in June, Greenleigh’s daycare started to have “Water Day” once a week, on Fridays.  For Water Day they would turn the entire playground into a water park, complete with water tables, slides, and hoses.  Every Friday I would get her dressed and try to get her excited about Water Day.  In August, Water Day abruptly stopped.  When I asked them why, they explained that it was “no longer summer”.  Um, what?  It is the first Friday in August and hotter than the surface of the sun out there, what do you mean it isn’t summer anymore?  I tried to argue, but it wasn’t any use.  Summer was over they claimed.  Luckily, we were going to the beach that weekend, so I figured she would at least get to go in the ocean there.

The first day of our beach vacation, I put Greenleigh in her bathing suit and she looked at me and said, “Wa-ver Day?”.  I thought it was cute but explained that we weren’t going to school, we are just going to go in the pool at the resort and maybe the ocean later in the day.  She then repeated, “It’s Wa-ver Day?”  Well, no not exactly but okay, if you insist Greenleigh.  From that point on she declared “It’s Wa-ver Day!  It’s Wa-ver Day!” to all who would listen.

Fast forward to this past Saturday.  We were invited to a birthday party for a friend’s daughter.  Because it is still quite hot, they were having her birthday at the pool, which was complete with a toddler wadding area.  As we were leaving the house, Greenleigh grabbed her bathing suit out of the diaper bag and said, “Wa-ver Day?”.  No honey, we are going to a birthday party (or a “happy to you”, as she calls it).  “Wa-ver Day?”, she asked again.  If you can’t beat them, join them.  “Yeah honey, its Water Day!”, I replied.

Enjoying Water Day this past Saturday:

Poor kid thinks it is Water Day every time she gets into her bathing suit.  She has no idea that it doesn’t have to be a special day to go in the pool.

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