Kindness Really Does Count!

On Monday, I arrived home to Greenleigh running through the house in her tutu, waiving a piece of paper in the air.  “Mommy, mommy, I won something!”, she screeched.  The crumpled piece of paper was then hurled in my direction, caught a bit of air, and floated to the floor.  When I finally got a hold of it, I couldn’t believe it – Greenleigh had been selected for the Kids of Character award for the trait of kindness!

The letter further explained that each month the school recognizes a specific character trait and December’s trait was kindness.  From the entire kindergarten class of approximately 200, Greenleigh was one of ten kids recommended her for the award (presumably by her teacher).  Proud doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Honestly, other than being kind in general, which Greenleigh most definitely is, we’re not sure exactly what she did to deserve this award, but we’re thrilled nonetheless.  And today in the library of her school – where she received her certificate and later made a brief appearance on the in-school network news – she was all smiles.kindness award

I’m so glad that the school takes the time to acknowledge these “little” things.  Kids need to know that there is a reward for being nice (ours came by way of a paper certificate, appearance on the in school news, and a free meal at both Golden Corral and Beef O’ Brady’s), because there are so many temptations for kids to be mean and bully other kids.  Too many temptations.  Kindness Award 2

But awards like this are important for parents, too.  Because as a mom, I know there are moments where parenthood knocks you over and kicks you while your down, making you question every parenting decision you’ve ever made.  Then there are other times that remind you that you’re on the right track and you’re raising a good kid.

Today was definitely the latter.

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2 Responses to Kindness Really Does Count!

  1. Becky says:

    Yes. Was having the same conversation with a friend. How I wish my child would be student of the month for a trait. We practice monthly traits at home too.

    • admin says:

      That’s wonderful Becky! Honestly, I never thought to focus on a particular trait each month – it’s great that you do it at home!

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