The Littlest Dancer

My poor second child…  By 2 years old, Greenleigh had already be enrolled in gymnastics for a year.  We’d tried music classes, art classes, and just about every other activity under the sun.  She was one busy little girl.

When Hazeline was born we figured we’d sign her up for the same types of things, but a string of bad luck prohibited that – the gym closed (twice!), music class stopped doing classes on the weekends, she wasn’t old enough for the art class, etc.  Plus, by the time we had Hazeline, we kinda knew what activities were appropriate for a 1 or 2 year old, and which should be skipped.  So instead of having her own activities, Hazeline tagged along at her sister’s classes.  There’s no doubt, Hazeline got the short end of the stick.

People told us it didn’t matter.  They said she’d never know.  But we knew and it mattered to us.  We felt it was important for her to have her own activity.  So when I saw that the new studio I found that offered dance classes on the weekends (to alleviate my working mom guilt over Greenleigh’s old studio moving everything to the week), I knew this was her moment.  I dug through boxes to find the little leotard that a friend had given me years back and purchased the tiniest pair of ballet shoes.  By 8:45am last Saturday, we were on our way to the 2 year old class at the new ballet studio.

What’s she going to learn in a dance class for 2 year olds?  Probably not much.  But she looked adorable in her little ballet shoes and tutu – Totally worth it.  And wow, was she excited to show  me the sticker that she got at the end of her first class.

Most importantly, she finally has an activity of her very own.  Yes, her sister does ballet as well, but Hazeline has her own class first and then Greenleigh has her class after that.  Hazeline gets to dance for 30 whole minutes without her sister telling her that she’s doing it wrong or how she could do it better.  So she gets to be like her big sister and dance, but be her own little dancer.And look at that smile!

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6 Responses to The Littlest Dancer

  1. Michele says:

    That smile is worth a thousand or so words!! She is obviously thrilled to be a dancer!!

  2. Nikki says:

    Oh my goodness, what a little cutie she is!! I’m glad you were able to get her into dancing!

  3. Children only remember how loved they are. The activities are second hand. She’s happy so nothing else matters. A parent’s attitude determines satisfaction. She is ADORABLE!

  4. Awl she does look so super cute. I am trying to figure out some kind of classes for my daughter to be in right now that isn’t a waste of money for a two year old.

  5. Alyca says:

    So sweet! My daughter was in dance class when she was two and even though they are not doing much actual ballet they sure are the cutest ones at the recitals. If those are your daughters’ real names and not just blog names I LOVE THEM! They are so unique and pretty 🙂

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