Wordless Wednesday: Hide & Seek

Hazeline is a runner.  You ask her to come over to you and she’ll immediately run the opposite direction.  Smiling the entire way, because she heard you, she just has her own agenda.  But in addition to being a runner, lately, she’s become a hider.  And her favorite place to hide is behind the curtains in our room (p.s. – Not our curtains, they are left over from the original owner.  If we buy the place these curtains are high on the list of things that need to go.).  I’m sure if you asked her, she’d tell you that hiding is pretty much the best thing ever.

She thinks she’s a great hider, but she’s normally pretty easy to find.And if you don’t go looking for her right away, she’ll happily reveal her location…letting you know that she won the game.

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9 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Hide & Seek

  1. Jaime Nicole says:

    That is SO adorable. I love when they can’t see you and they think you can’t see them.

  2. Gena says:

    I LOVE this age!! She’s adorable.

  3. kewkew says:

    Looks like she is having a great time. As long as she doesn’t try hiding someplace dangerous. Scared the heck out of me the one day when I realized my daughter was in the dryer. Had been hiding with her sisters. I try to remember to keep the dryer door closed at all times.

    • admin says:

      Eeeek. The dryer? That would freak me out. I never would have thought of that and leave mine open all. the. time. Mental note: Always keep my dryer door closed.

  4. Thanks for linking up to my blog. Your daughter is so cute. My daughter likes to hide when she is in trouble. Once, we found her asleep under the guest bed.

  5. Sue says:

    Awww…that is so cute. She is adorable and looks like she has a great personality 🙂

  6. Kelly R says:

    She is so cute..

  7. Charlotte says:

    That is so cute! Love her expression on the last one! Thanks for linking up! x

  8. Miriam says:

    I love this age! My little one says “I’m hiding in the playroom, you’ll look for me?” Surprisingly, we find her every time!

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