Wordless Wednesday: Thanksgiving Pictures!

With all the craziness in our house, I never got a chance to share pictures from Thanksgiving, so here they are. Hazeline nibbling on her Thanksgiving shrimp.  Because who doesn’t have shrimp at Thanksgiving?  Okay, we probably wouldn’t have had it either, except my sister-in-law is a vegetarian, so this was our best option for her.  Looking back, it might not have been such a good idea to give Hazeline the skewer, but whatever.  Shrimp is one of Hazeline’s favorite foods and she enjoyed it.

And the girls just loved their Thanksgiving dresses.  I got them just before Thanksgiving from Old Navy on a super sale.  All Greenleigh wanted to do is twirl in hers.I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!

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4 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Thanksgiving Pictures!

  1. Tonya says:

    She sure looks like she’s enjoying her Thanksgiving shrimp! 🙂

  2. posh says:

    Aw- they are too sweet!

  3. Kimberly D says:

    They are absolutely adorable! It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing <3

  4. Emilee says:

    Aw, great pictures!

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