Wordless Wednesday: Sonoma’s Favorite Spot in the House

Our new house has these ornate, glass front doors.  They’re meant to add beauty and light to the house, but in reality, they’re ridiculously impractical.  In fact, Erajh has said that if we do buy this house, the front doors are the very first thing that will go.  Someone isn’t going to be happy about that.  At all.  Can you tell who it is?Over the last few months, this has become Sonoma’s perch.  She sits and watches the world go by from the comfort of “her” own home (I’m pretty sure that she thinks she owns it and we rent from her).  If she’s not here she’s probably snuggled up in one of the girls’ beds.  Ah, the life of a cat!

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6 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Sonoma’s Favorite Spot in the House

  1. Tonya says:

    Awwww……cute kitty!

  2. posh says:

    Aw- cute kitty!

  3. Pets lover their “windows”. I adore these photos 🙂

  4. Kimberly D says:

    lol, we don’t own cats—-THEY own us 🙂 I have 5 fur kids and they all love to hang out by the windows, food dish, and in my bed!

    What a cutie. Thanks for sharing her with us!

  5. I really wish my hubs wasn’t so opposed to getting a kitty. They’re so cute!

  6. Charlotte says:

    Ah, bless her! I’m sure she’ll find another comfy perch/bed. :o) Thanks for linking up!

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