Thank You Larry Kimmel

On Halloween night, Jimmy Kimmel issued a YouTube challenge – Parents, tomorrow morning when your kids wake up, tell them that you ate all their Halloween candy…and video tape their reactions, of course.  Cruel?  Yes.  Hilarious?  Yes.  The reactions range from the sweet and adorable “That’s okay Mommy” to hysterical shrieking, fits of crying, and swearing off trick-or-treating forever. Quite frankly, it’s too good not to share.

Erajh and I watched it on Saturday night after a friend of ours told us about it that day and giggled all the way through.  Why do I never think of these things?  Brilliant.

On Sunday evening, Erajh handed the iPad to Greenleigh and when she turned it on, the video started playing.  He tried to show her how to turn it off (so she could get to her regularly scheduled Elmo), but she wasn’t having it. She must have watched the “People Crying” video 6 or 7 times in a row before we went to dinner, where she had a fit that they didn’t have internet, meaning she couldn’t watch it anymore.

Since then, it hasn’t lost its popularity.  I’m pretty sure that we are the bulk of the 20 million views it has on YouTube and I’m okay with that, because this video mesmerizes my kids.  And you know what that means?  They sit still and be quiet.  Both of them.  For 5 whole minutes while the video plays, and then they start it all over again.  It’s everything a mother could want.  They’ll even do as their told for iPad privileges just so they can watch the “People Crying” video again.  And again.  And again.  It holds their attention like no other.  It beats Dora, Doc McStuffins, and Mickey Mouse every time.

So Jimmy Kimmel, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your You Tube Challenge.  While I may never be able to pull this prank on my kids, that’s a small price to pay for peace and quiet in my house.

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