Wordless Wednesday: Double Trouble

I know you’re not supposed to take pictures and giggle when your kids are upset, but I couldn’t help myself. Hazeline’s 19 months old and we’ve started doing timeouts.  Not for everything, just the big stuff (in this case, I think she had tried to touch the oven – repeatedly – while it was on).  With Greenleigh, timeouts wouldn’t have worked this young, but with Hazeline they do.  More proof that she’s a genius, I suppose.

Eventually, we’ll have to create 2 timeout locations so each can have their own spot to “reflect”, but it just kind of happened one day that they both had to go to time out at the same time, so they ended up on the same step.

Given the look on their faces, I think the inner dialogue is going something like this:

Hazeline:  Noooo!  I don’t want to be in timeout.  I was framed!  You can’t prove it was me!  I don’t like this one bit.

Greenleigh:  Just do your 2-3 minutes quietly and we can go back to doing the bad stuff that got us here.  I practically live on this step; it’s not so bad.


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8 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Double Trouble

  1. Pamela R says:

    the dialogue— ROTFLMAO!!!!!

    Hopping through with BITM WW Hop

  2. Tonya says:

    LOL, thanks for the giggle 🙂

  3. Trisha G. says:

    Lol! They are cute, even if they’re in a time out! 😉
    Trisha @ Momma T and Baby E

  4. LaVonne says:

    I use the bottom step at my parents house too! Very cute. Hard to punish such cute girls!

  5. AHAHAHA! I love it! You know you’re a blogger when…you take pictures of your kids when they’re upset! 😉 I’ve done the same…it’s just too precious not to share! 🙂

    Zelda the Bored Statue Kitty

  6. Rosey says:

    Hard to stay perturbed when they’re that cute, isn’t it? 🙂

  7. Paula J says:

    Their adorable even when in timeout 🙂

    Thanks for linking up for WW!

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