Let’s File This Under “Things That Will Probaby Give My Kids Nightmares One Day”

I feel the need to preface this post with the fact that at the end of the day, I’m really, really tired.  I’ve gotten up, got 2 kids ready, driven them to school, driven 1 hour to work, worked at my job, then driven 1 hour back to the girls daycare, picked them up, corralled them into the car, and driven home.  I know, I know, boo-hoo me, but it’s exhausting.  And by the time I reach the gate to our community, I’m tired.  And it’s during this time when I’m so close to home (and yet so far), that I find myself agreeing with the things that Greenleigh says.  Mommy needs a little peace and quiet.  And sometimes agreeing with Greenleigh will accomplish that.  Even if it does involve a white lie here or there.

Shhhh...There's a lady that lives in there. But don't worry, she loves it in there.

About 2 weeks ago, we were pulling into our neighborhood when Greenleigh asked who was talking.  You see, the call box at the gate has a female voice that says “Access Granted” when you put in your code.  I tried to explain to her that it was a computer, but that didn’t work.  So I tried to put it in terms that she’d understand, by saying that the gate call box is similar to an iPad – you press buttons and sound comes out, but no one is actually in the iPad.  No luck.  And then I tried to explain that the voice isn’t really a person at all.  Not a chance.  So in the end, I agreed with her that there was a lady in the box.  It was just easier.  If you can’t beat them, join them.  We proceeded through the gate and all was fine (and quiet).  No more questions.

Fast forward to last week, when we arrived home and heard the same “lady’s voice”.  Greenleigh proceeded to ask where the lady was.  Again, I went through the computer bit, the iPad scenario,  and the fact that there really wasn’t anyone in there, to no avail.  Eventually, I found myself agreeing that there really was a lady in the box.  To which Greenleigh responded, “She’s stuck in there?  Mommy, we need to get her out!”  Oh, no, no, I assured her, the lady in the box is really happy.  She likes it in there.  It’s her home.  Except Greenleigh wasn’t buying it.  At all.  Everyday last week I had to calm Greenleigh’s concerns over the lady in the box.  The quiet child I yearned for had turned into shrieking, crying, blubbering mess…we had to get the lady out.

Sure, I’m glad that she’s showing concern for others, but how did this get so far away from me?  Something that was meant to instill quiet has turned on me (viciously, I might add).

But I guess if she has nightmares of being trapped in a box when she’s older, at least I’ll know where they came from.

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2 Responses to Let’s File This Under “Things That Will Probaby Give My Kids Nightmares One Day”

  1. karen says:

    oh no, poor mommy. that; has happened to me a few times, at least it will be a funny story for when she is older.

  2. Autumn says:

    Did I tell you about that one time that Alan spent a week pretending he was the voice of the car navigation system? Lol Eventually, the “navigation system” told our son that SHE (that is what made out super funny) was okay, but was not interested in talking anymore. 🙂 lol

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