My Dear Sweet Baby Girl,

Today was a day that came too soon.  A day when you saw how cruel kids can be.

I don’t know what those little boys were thinking when they closed the door to the little playhouse you had been playing in so contently, ensuring that you could not escape.  I have no idea what possessed them to throw buckets of water into the house, through the window that you were sitting near.  I’m not sure why they felt the need to cheer each other on as they initially missed you, but concentrated their efforts to ensure that you were hit.  I can’t understand why they screamed and screeched with delight as you sat there and cried, stunned by the cold water being pelted at you.  And I’m not sure where their manners where when not one of those little boys came to apologize for their bad behavior after the fact.

It was only a matter of seconds, but the sadness in your eyes said it all.  Your father and I failed you.  We didn’t get there soon enough.  Why wasn’t I there to stop it?  I’m so sorry, my little one.  The pain in your eyes lasted only a minute, but sticks with me.

As I scooped your drenched body up and pulled you through the window of the playhouse that initially provided you so much happiness, my heart was broken.  You did nothing to deserve their actions.  They don’t know what a sweet little girl you are.  You didn’t so much as look at them before they picked you as their target.

But as sad as I was to witness everything that happened, I was happy.  Happy that I could be there to scoop you up and take you away from kids that were so mean.  Happy that I could tell them that they shouldn’t treat others that way, especially others that are so much smaller than they are.  Happy I could protect you (albeit a few moments too late).  I know it won’t always be that way.  And just thinking about it pains me.

We snuggled a little extra before bed tonight.  I stroked your hair as you fell asleep.  And I held you extra tight as I walked you to your crib.

Please stay this small for a while longer so I can protect you.  I promise to do a better job of protecting you next time.

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13 Responses to My Dear Sweet Baby Girl,

  1. sara jackson says:

    This literally just made me cry!! I am a first time parent and our baby girl is only 5 months but i can imagine how this is going to feel the first time we go through this! You are a great mother, it sucks she had to go through this but maybe she will never remember this crappy day!!

    • admin says:

      Sorry Sara, I didn’t mean to be a downer on a Saturday night. 🙁 Your right though, she probably won’t remember this day, and that’s a blessing. I just don’t know how I’m going to handle it when they’re older and someone hurts their feelings at school and I can’t be there to rescue them. This was a very small taste of it, and I didn’t like it one bit.

  2. Jackie says:

    I am SO sorry…this just makes me sad and sick. I wish I could always be there to scoop my children up when needed…and wish that the children doing it had the “scooping” they need. My daughter has just entered Kindergarten and I wonder every day how it will be. She is a bright, sweet, little girl but the stories that came home from pre-school…so and so is not my friend anymore, so and so doesnt want to play with me…breaks my heart. My son who doesnt talk yet and will soon be entering day care scares e also…but you can’t help but think about those “awful” littlle children and how much they are deprived of =(

    • admin says:

      Just thinking of kindergarten gives me such anxiety…for this exact reason. You think they’d let me attend her classes when she eventually has to go? Or would that be too weird?

  3. Bethany says:

    The shameful part in it all is that the parents didnt to anything. Kids can and will be cruel, thats a part of life. However when parents choose to not teach them that actions like that are not accebtable and are mean then they will never learn anything better. Im sorry your sweet baby had to go through that, and you 🙁

    • admin says:

      Agreed. This was a parental supervision issue at it’s core. If they aren’t be supervised when they are at a party at someone else’s house, how much do you want to bet that they aren’t being supervised at home either?

  4. karen says:

    WHAT??? OMG (HUGS) what a disgusting situation. and none of boys parents did anything? I don’t think I could ever have let my son go if that happened. I fear for when he is older and I am not there to help him.

    • admin says:

      Thanks for your kind words. The father of one of the boys was standing right there, but did nothing until I jumped out of my chair to run over there. And he didn’t ask his child to apologize. I hate to judge other parents, but I judge for that. If it had been my child doing it, she would have had to apologize and she would have been punished by me. At the very least, he should have come over and checked on my child/apologized on his child’s behalf. The other 2 boys’ parents were no where to be found. I’ve never seen those kids before.

  5. Mary Dailey says:

    I hope you reported this to the boys’ parents. If they are already doing things like this, they are probably mistreating animals too. When kids start out this mean, it usually means they are going to do worse things if they aren’t stopped. She will remember this. They always remember things that are traumatic to them.

  6. Barbara says:

    Oh how sad. Your poor little girl. I am going through a different kind of pain with my daughter who just graduated and found out that her “friends” were not friends at all. Like you, I am happy to be able to be here to hold her when she needs and let her cry.

    I don’t even want to get into what I think of that father. Parenting really is a lost art in so many families.

  7. jamie says:

    Oh my gosh how sad! I am tearing up at the library reading this! Mean boys!!!

    Thanks for linking up with me!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  8. Camille says:

    It’s so heartbreaking to see other kids being mean. I just feel so bad for them because I guess they didn’t have parents to protect them and teach them to be caring. 🙁

  9. Sonya says:

    This is just so sad. I would have reacted the same way. The other day my little cousin kinda pushed my son, and he didnt think anyone saw, and it was just a little push, but I got so defensive, more than I ever thought i would, and told my little cousin something. I had too, I instantly turned into mama bear.

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