Wordless Wednesday: Their Favorite Place in the New House

Can someone please remind me why I went through the trouble of having their rooms in the new house painted?  Because apparently my girls would much rather live in the kitchen cabinets.
Sometimes you don’t even know that they’re in there.  Please note the small hand poking out from the top of the cabinet.  (As I post this picture I realize that the cabinets are not exactly the selling, or in our case renting, point of the house.  Don’t worry, I’ll share better pictures later.)

Hey, at least the cabinets are roomy.Now back to packing.  Ugh…

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2 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Their Favorite Place in the New House

  1. That is just too cute!

  2. Sofia says:

    Looks like they found the perfect spot!! 😀 It surely looks like fun 😉

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