Guess who’s 6 months old?

This baby right here!

I can’t believe how much she has grown in the past 6 months – she’s now 17.5 pounds and 2’2” tall.  Her first tooth is about to pop through any day now, which has made Sophie her new favorite toy.   We celebrated her half birthday with applesauce for breakfast this morning and squash for dinner tonight, two of her favorite foods.  The swing is still her favorite place to nap during the day, and I have no intentions of ruining a good thing.  She is so mellow and it is perfectly clear that she is the favorite of both the cat and the dog.

The past 6 months have flown by – is it possible to slow time down just a little bit?

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3 Responses to Guess who’s 6 months old?

  1. She is so adorable and happy birthday to your princess too…

  2. Dawn says:

    What a cutie! When I hold my 7 year old and he’s over half as tall as I am, I tell him he’s still my little baby. I don’t think I could hold my 9 year old for very long! They do grow fast, enjoy every stage along the way!

  3. Stopping by from the blog hop!
    Happy 6 months to your cutie pie!

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